On behalf of DaveO, who’s on the road, I give you THIS:
Bradford begins with the proposition that the West is losing its war against Islamic extremism. In all of the quotes below, Bradford’s copious footnotes are omitted:
As of 2015, the West is losing the 4GW [fourth generation war] Islamism declared for three reasons. First, at the most basic level—understanding what the war is about—Islamists enjoy a near-decisive edge: whereas they are fixed on extending their religious, political, and legal domain across the world, the West quests after a fuzzy vision of a democratic, rule-of-law Islamic world where rights of confessional minorities are respected, goods and ideas are freely exchanged, and incentives to religious radicalism are diminished. …
(It doesn’t get better from there.)
(Oh, and a good pun on “CLOACA,” too. You Latin scholars out there will get it.)
Ah, but Mr Bradford paid the price for his outspoken words:
While Bradford’s proposed remedies went too far, the bulk of what he wrote is hard to dispute. And, of course, no one will dispute it. The Left will simply get Bradford fired:
A spokesman at the US Military Academy said William C. Bradford resigned Sunday. He said no further details would be released because of privacy and legal constraints.
The journal that published Bradford’s article must be punished too:
The publication apologized in an editorial last week in response to a barrage of criticism from readers. Editor-in-chief Rick Myers repudiated the article and said the publication is reviewing its selection process “to ensure that we publish high quality scholarly articles.”
I invite you to read the whole thing, and contemplate where we are. And where we’ll be.